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Join hundreds of businesses who are doing more with email.

"I saw immediate results. I got more replies and closed more deals, all inside Gmail" - Fabrizio Rinaldi. 

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So simple Grandma can use it

Guests join with just one click. Nothing to download. No need to make an account.

We built this for non-techies.

Change Someone’s
Life Today

Create scholarships and grants for the people and causes you care most about.


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How it works

100% Goes To Your Recipients

100% Tax Deductible

I started my own business to help my community and be a symbol of hope, rather than only individually embodying Black excellence.

Zahir Muhammad

Washington DC Chess Champion, Entrepreneur, and future Architectural Engineer

Out of the 12+ million stores online, only 8% will sell more than $1000 in products this year.

Yup - while it's easier than ever to build an online store (thanks Shopify!), it's harder than ever to grow it.

Most ecommerce brands have two challenges with growth:

  1. Getting people to make their first purchase.

  2. Getting the people who do to come back and buy again

That’s why we built Privy — to give small ecommerce businesses like yours a leg-up against competition that’s growing by the day.

In the last ten years we've helped over 600k stores (like yours) generate $5 billion in sales. I'd love for you to give it a try.

Ben Jabbawy

CEO & Founder of Privy

Soleil Gaylord

"I am so grateful for the opportunities has provided me to help fund my college education. The options are endless, and their commitment to helping and profiling successful students is remarkable."

Zahir Muhammad

I am in love with - it has truly changed my perception on applying for scholarships as a hardworking student.

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